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About Us

I am a young, professional woman in Orange County, California. Over the course of my work in the financial industry, one overarching theme that has caught my attention time and time again is this – in general, the mind set of women and men when it comes to finances is so very different. Regardless of whether the difference stems from upbringing, social conditioning, innate character differences or a combination of all of these things, there is definitely a distinct difference in the perception of finances in the minds of men and women. What has also become clear to me is that the financial services industry, for the most part, fails to cater to these differences. Only in recent years has there even been acknowledgement of these differences.

I see it almost on a daily basis. Even the most educated, intelligent women often view things different from their male counterparts. The different view that a woman has on finances is often seen as a lack of understanding. However, rather than a lack of understanding, the difference in opinion could be based on different priorities, values, or backgrounds.

In both my personal and professional life, I have been asked on so many occasions by very intelligent women to explain financial concepts or situations in a way that they will understand. That is my motivation for this blog. I would like to bridge the gap between women and their understanding of finance. For all the women who have asked me a financial question and on whose faces I have seen the clarity and relief once they understood, I hope that this blog enhances that clarity, knowledge and peace of mind.

© 2012 by Financial Makeover for Women